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PaperGen Use for Midterm Project in Data Science
PaperGen Use for Midterm Project in Data Science
Zoey Zou
Oct 15, 2024
Use Cases
PaperGen Use for Midterm Project in Data Science




Paper PDF and and data csv( data1, data2, data3) are also provided by the prof.

What about using Claude or GPT-4o?

Both of them are giving random and useless information for this homework. I rate 5/100 for them. 5 is to be grateful for the writing.

How does PaperGen help?

1. Put all the requirements and context in papergen


2. Trigger comprehensive research because this project is a bit hard!


3. Homework done! 🎉 download and submit!


4. Double check AI is bypassed. Download the turnitin plagiarism report here. 6%. Download the turnitin AI rate report here. 0%



Download the Full Project Report Here.


If the goal was to provide a framework and arguments, it's really impressive, and the search papers are quite relevant. He read the dataset and understood it, which I think is already quite remarkable. He managed to tie the logic together with the relationship to the dataset.

How about plotting from the CSV? PaperGen made some very relevant plots, though not many. PaperGen read and understood the dataset.

Overall I rate 80/100. If 100 is the answer given by the prof.

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