Sales Pitch About Selling PaperGen to OpenAI


Name: Eugenia Zou

Role: PaperGen Founder


So, there I was, on my fifth espresso of the morning, when I had this BRILLIANT idea. I thought, "Hey, you know who would love to buy PaperGen? OpenAI!" I mean, why wouldn't they want to acquire their... um... 'competition'? 🤪 Here was my rock-solid plan:

  1. Convince OpenAI we're not just another AI company
  2. Show them our "superior" technology (don't ask for details)
  3. Dazzle them with our user base of dozens... I mean, millions!
  4. Offer them a deal they can't refuse (please, please don't refuse)
  5. Retire to a private island by age 30 (a founder can dream, right?)

Journey with PaperGen

"Only one thing to comment, I sent this final paper to another founder. He says, I do not think selling to OpenAI is a good idea. Apparently, he didn't realize this was PaperGen written"
-- PaperGen CEO
  1. Generating Ideas: I asked PaperGen to come up with reasons why OpenAI should buy us. It suggested "unparalleled synergy" and "revolutionary paradigm shift." I thought, "Perfect! No one knows what those mean!"
  2. Creating the Pitch Deck: PaperGen whipped up a 50-slide presentation. "More is always better, right?" I nodded sagely to myself.
  3. Writing the Proposal: It crafted a 20-page document full of buzzwords. "AI-powered blockchain quantum machine learning" - nailed it!
  4. Predicting Financials: PaperGen projected our value at $99 billion. I mused, "Seems a bit low, but okay."
  5. Drafting the Press Release: It wrote a release announcing the "merger of the century." I chuckled, "Why be modest?"

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