How to Write College Research Paper: Ultimate Guide For Freshmen


Name: Olivia Bennett

Age: 18

Major: Fine Arts with a focus on Photography

School: University College London (UCL), UK

Year: Freshman

Skills: Great eye for visual composition, struggles with academic writing

Personality: Creative, slightly overwhelmed by university life, excited about art history

My Contemporary Art Essay Crisis:

So, here I am, barely a month into uni, and Professor Artsy (not his real name, obviously) drops this bomb: "Write a 2000-word essay on 'The Legacy of Colonialism in Contemporary African Art'." I'm like, "2000 words? I thought I came here to take photos, not write novels!" 📷😱 Here's what I needed to do:

  1. Research contemporary African artists and their work
  2. Analyze the impact of colonialism on their art
  3. Discuss current trends in African art scenes
  4. Link it all back to broader themes in contemporary art
  5. Sound like I actually know what I'm talking about (yikes!)

I spent days just staring at my laptop, wishing I could submit a photo collage instead. That's when my roommate (bless her artsy soul) told me about PaperGen.

How does PaperGen help?

  1. Choosing a Topic: PaperGen suggested awesome titles. I thought, "Wow, these sound way cooler than anything I could come up with!"
  1. Choose the title from autogenerated titles. This is a good feature!!!!
The Legacy of Colonialism in Contemporary African Art
  1. Finding Relevant Info: It dug up recent papers on African art. I muttered, "Amazing!!"

Links has a lot of AI related stuff. This is because if Non-AI, the PHD students cannot pass the bar and publish the paper so research paper search will make any search results leaning to tech and AI :D

  1. Modify the setup:-I tweaked the settings and started a fresh PaperGen project, crossing my fingers for better results.
  1. Creating an Outline: PaperGen made an outline that actually made sense. "This is more organized than my camera bag!" I laughed.
I really really like this outline and search results. It covers all the aspects with research papers supported. It is 200% enough for me to write the essay. It saves me 3 days of preparation work!
The search and outline quality is super high.
  1. Final paper

Download Final Paper

I really like the graph provided. I do not know how to plot graphs. It helps quickly and better convey the data to in my paper.
For the overall paper, it still needs some revisions before the final submission. It will be good if there are more connection sentences between paragraphs, otherwise I need to add all of them.

Why PaperGen is My New Favorite Art Tool:

  1. Saved me from submitting a paper that read like Instagram captions
  2. Helped me actually understand the context of the art I love
  3. Made me sound like I've been studying African art for years
  4. Probably prevented me from illustrating my essay instead of writing it
  5. Might've just helped me write something worthy of the Tate Modern! (Okay, maybe that's a stretch, but a girl can dream!)

As I hit 'print' on my finished essay (with a whole day to spare!), I thought, "I can't believe I wrote something this smart about art!" Thanks to PaperGen, I went from panicking about word counts to feeling like a budding art historian. Now, if it could just help me take better photos... maybe that's the next AI breakthrough? 🎨📚