High School Junior Writing a History Research Paper


Name: Sophie Rodriguez

Background: I am currently a 16-year-old junior at Lincoln High School in Chicago excelling in humanities subjects and having a particular interest in history.

Interests: I am fascinated by 20th-century social movements and their impact on modern society. I am also an active member of my school's debate club and Model UN team.

Academic Achievements: Apart from consistently earning A's in my history and English classes, I recently won a local essay contest on American civil rights.

Goals: To attend a top-tier university and is considering majoring in history or political science.

Skills: Strong critical thinking and writing abilities, but sometimes struggle with organizing large amounts of information.

Personality Traits: Curious, diligent, and passionate about learning. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by big projects but am always eager to improve my skills.


So, my AP U.S. History teacher, Mr. Johnson, assigned us this HUGE 10-page research paper on the Women's Suffrage Movement. I was like, "Whoa, 10 pages?! How am I gonna do this?" 😱 Here's what I needed to include:

  1. All the background history stuff
  2. The important people and what happened
  3. Why are some people against it
  4. How it affected other movements later
  5. At least 8 legit sources (no Wikipedia allowed, ugh!)

How PaperGen helps:

  1. Topic Exploration:

                       I told PaperGen I needed ideas about women's suffrage, and it gave me a bunch of cool options. I was like, "Yes! This is awesome!"

          2.  Outline Creation:

                                              PaperGen created this super detailed outline. I thought, "This is way better than my usual scribbles on a napkin!" 😂

           3. Content Generation:

                                              PaperGen started filling in the outline with actual content. "It's like having a super-smart study buddy," I thought.

              4. Visual Aids:

                                                                     It even made a timeline and a map! I was like, "Mr. Johnson is gonna love this!"

             5. Editing Assistance:

                                 As I was tweaking things, PaperGen suggested better words and showed me where I needed more evidence. "It's like having my English teacher on speed dial," I joked to myself.

  1. Final Paper:

                           When PaperGen compiled everything into a final paper, I couldn't believe how professional it looked. "Is this really my paper?" I gasped.


  1. Saved me from a total stress meltdown
  2. Helped me organize my messy thoughts
  3. Taught me a ton about doing research the right way
  4. Made me feel like I could actually do this tough assignment
  5. Seriously upped my chances of getting an A (fingers crossed! 🤞)